Nenni Toscana
In my opinion one of the best wineries in Tuscany, Nenni Toscana is a small-scale producer of quality Tuscan Sangiovese located close to the Abbey of San Galgano in a Natural Reserve.
Started by Pierpaolo Nenni and his Swedish wife, Sara, together they have transformed this abandoned vineyard from 700 a.d. into their Tuscan dream.
Nenni has x hectares of vines, a majority of which is Sangiovese. Their vineyard philosophy is focused on long-term vine health and they take a minimal intervention stance in the cellar.
I am a big fan of the work Nenni do due to the stability, structure and quality of their wines. They produce bottles that can compete with some of the finest examples in the region, and yet are some of the friendliest and humble faces in the industry.
I would definitely recommend visiting Pierpaolo and Sara if you are passionate about wine and looking to bring something home. They do very personal tastings to generate long-term customers which allow them to continue doing what they love. So if you go, I know they would very much appreciate it if you buy a couple boxes.